Sunday, May 23, 2010


I should be shelving books. Well, I could be shelving books is I had anymore shelf space. Books take up every space a book could possibly fit. In many places, they are double shelved, which I swore I would never do. But it became a necessity.

I had a much longer post and lost it somehow. Now I'm too tired to write it again. It can hold until tomorrow.

Friday, May 21, 2010


My greanddaughter, Kristin, is 17 years old today. She is such a delightful girl. I love her so much. I wish I could make her happy all her life.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


My freezer has stopped working. I discovered it when Olivia wanted a popsicle. She likes those red, white and blue ones. It was mushy. All the ice cream was lost but the meat was still solid. The only thing I could do was take it to Mama's freezer.
Well, I hadn't cleaned out Mama's freezer yet. John Michael hadn't been to her house since August of 2008, since she left there to come here.I know it was hard for him to go but he said he would help me take the food. I took garbage bags to clean out the freezer. There wasn't really a lot left there, some Schwann, a huge brisket roast, corn, peppers, and onions she had cut to freeze for making soup or spaghetti. Most of what was in the freezer were things she had prepared herself. There was a zip lock bag that held 4 cornbread muffins. She made them all the time and would put leftovers in the freezer, ready for company or to make dressing. These little corn muffins made me so sad, they were so typical of her, something she had done thousands of times in her life. I had a hard time throwing them away and am tempted to go get them out of the garbage. I know, that's really silly.
So now my food is freezing nicely in her freezer.
John Michael says he can't think of anything he wants from the house. But I know he will. He commented on a blouse hanging on a door facing, left where she hung it when she took it out of the dryer. He looked in the cabinets wwhere he used to store her freshly canned green beans. Her shoes were sitting on a chair. Most of the house is still just like she left it. Other things have had to be moved. Her essence hasn't left the house.
I have a lot of things to clean out at Mama's house. I guess I'll get it all done one day.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Tonight, I'm weary, dreary, bleary. I haven't been able to do any of the things I should have done today. I did cook supper and that's about it. I spent some time outside, cutting limbs, pulling weeds, talking to the birds and cats. And yes, they talked back.

Maybe if I go to sleep, I'll do better tomorrow. I've said that before.

I'm coughing and have a bit of a sore throat. I should have gone to the dr today but it was just so much trouble.

If it wasn't for Frasier, I would be asleep.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


It has rained and rained. We even had a storm last night. The plants are soaked but they don't seem to mind.

I'm sad about all the flooding in Nashville. I love Nashville.

The baby kittens are needing a new box. They also need homes. Maybe if I advertise them for sale it will make people think they are really special. Well, it's a thought.

I'm trying to not be sad tonight, but not having much luck. I'm going to bed to read so maybe that will help.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Sunday, May 02, 2010


The tv keeps telling me a storm is coming. I love storms. It aggravates me when the weather forecast is wrong.

I'm reading HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY by Richard Llewellyn. It is slow going, it makes me sad. I read it years ago and have read bits and pieces of it for years. My mother was always quoting her favorite parts. Then we would weep.


  • Kristin
  • Elizabeth
  • Olivia
  • Leah
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