Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Easter granddaughters

Easter was fun with our granddaughters. They dyed dozens of eggs and decorated them with paint, stamps, and stickers. Then they left them in baskets for the Easter bunny to hide. The bunny had some help from Granddaddy. The girls were excited to find so many eggs. The girls all had beautiful clothes for church. They are all sweet wonderful girls. We all ate breakfast together on Easter morning.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Leah and her baby doll

Leah's baby doll can suck her thumb. Her arms and legs can move so she can sit while Leah reads books to her.

Leah's birthday pictures

We all had fun watching Leah open presents and having such a good time with her cousin and sisters. She liked all her toys and books.

Leah's Birthday

Leah celebrated her 3rd birthday on April 14. She had cupcakes and opened presents with her Daddy, Mommy, and sisters, Kristin and Elizabeth at home in Georgetown. On Saturday, in Fordsville, Leah had a Dora cake and ice cream. She had fun opening more presents, books, straws and a glass, a Dora video, and a baby doll. Leah is a sweet, beautiful little girl. And already 3 years old!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Leah and Sadie

Leah and Sadie sleep well together.


I have raked most of the herb and flower beds. I even have a blister to boast. The curry, rue, and tansy had to be cut back considerably. Thyme has survived being neglected and will soon flourish in the warm sun. I've been lost but I'm finding myself in the dirt and weeds, as well as the green things that are happy that spring is here. I moved some of the rocks and found the most wonderful bugs. No worms yet. The bugs are red and black, they scurry away from me, looking for a new place to hide. I saw one ladybug, red with black spots. It was tiny sitting on the handle of my snippers. Kristin, Elizabeth, and Leah also helped with the work. John Wayne hauled off the sticks and cut up the leaves with the lawn mower. Kristin and Elizabeth drove the mower and Leah rode in the wagon. We wished for Olivia to be here with us. Now I have to think about mulch and a summer of weeding. I want blooming flowers and fragrant herbs.


  • Kristin
  • Elizabeth
  • Olivia
  • Leah
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