Sunday, March 30, 2008


Much appreciation is offered for the use of the blog header from It is a beautiful blog. I visit it and find myself relaxing. Thanks and more thanks.

Monday, March 24, 2008


In The Coal Tattoo, Silas House writes that Anneth was pinned to the mattress with sadness. Tonight I understand that so well. As I write this it is almost midnight. If not for Olivia coughing I would be unable to move. It's a good thing that she is keeping me up. I can remember coughing like this when I was her age, I can always remember coughing. I'm coughing tonight. When I was little I would cough all night, nothing seemed to help. I would be exhausted in the morning but my mother would send me to school, where I would cough all day. She meant well, she thought (and still thinks), that nobody should miss a day of school or work. I learned early on that she was wrong. Life goes on.
The cats are settled, the rabbit is snuggled in his box, Olivia seems to be sleeping, Hubby is fast asleep, just me awake. Looking out the window, I can't see a light on in any of the houses around us. The street light is on, after being out for several nights. I think I like it better dark.
By morning, my spirits will lift. I won't be so blue. At least, I will have to carry on as if the blues have left me or they were never with me at all. It will be my secret.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The snow melted so fast that I have almost forgotten it was here. The snow was much more fun than the mud.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Posted by PicasaThis quilt was given to me by my mother's friend who has moved to assisted living. It was made by her step-mother. It has some years on it. I know I shouldn't use it but it is the perfect quilt for wrapping up to read. My aunt tells me the pattern is Seven Sisters. I love all the little prints.

Monday, March 03, 2008


The rain is making me sleepy. It's the perfect kind of rain, gentle, steady. Peaceful.


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