While I was gathering tomatoes for supper, Mama called to tell me to come get half of a watermelon. JW relayed the message but I was cooking supper and decided to wait to return her call. During our supper she called again, asking me if he told me she had called and did I want the watermelon. I explained that we were eating and I would come when we were finished. Which I did. She had the watermelon in a large metal bowl. She asked me if I really wanted it. I told her, of course. I really didn't care one way or the other. I stayed to talk for a bit. I carried the bowl of watermelon out and sat it on the trunk of car so I could open the door. The next thing I knew the bowl and watermelon were on the ground. It was a hard fall for the watermelon but the bowl didn't seem to have any damage at all. I put the watermelon back in the bowl and brought it home. I left Mama's yard littered with pieces of watermelon. It gave us both a good laugh and didn't hurt the taste of the watermelon at all.

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