Getting mail from Jeanie is one of my favorite things in the world. This week I found a priority package in my mail box. I couldn't wait to open it but also wanted to hold on to the anticipation as long as possible. When I opened it, I was so excited to find BLACK CADILLAC by Rosanne Cash. The music is wonderful and gets better every time I listen to it. The package also brought me an article in Entertainment magazine. The title of the article is THE WOMAN IN BLACK. It tells about the relationship Rosanne had with her parents. Also in the package was a newsletter from the Alexander McCall Smith fan club. It is full of information about his books and pictures of Smith. His new book is BLUE SHOES AND HAPPINESS. So far I haven't found an advance copy (except on ebay) but I will eventually find one. A hand written note made the package complete.
We move on from day to day. Mama continues to gain a bit of strength, getting up by herself and walking a bit with just her cane. Her eyes are giving her fits. Olivia is here today, we slept together on a pallet beside Mama's bed. I'm reading Night by Elie Weisel. I read it years ago so I'm reading the new translation. I think Souls on Fire is my favorite Weisel. Lunch with Jeanie yesterday, my favorite part of any week. It's a warm January so far. Little green things are appearing in the herb beds. I promise I am going to be kind to those herbs this spring.
The tumor continues to control our lives for another day. But we don't intend to let it get the best of us. I took Mama to the beauty shop, I know it made her feel better. It was a sunny day so that couldn't hurt either. I'm not sure if her weakness is from the medicine or her condition. She was much stronger before the incident on Saturday. It's a day to day process, hopefully she can gain a bit everyday. Her brother and his wife are coming to visit tomorrow, that will help her.I need to clear my mind to be able to read and write. My concentration is deserting me, I need to be the boss and bring it back. I may read CROSSING TO SAFETY by Wallace Stegner. Just finished ANGLE OF REPOSE and loved every word. Now if I can just go to bed without eating a bunch of junk, it will be a miracle!
Meningioma has entered our life. Meningioma is a brain tumor and my mother has one. It's just a little tumor but the swelling around it makes it act like a big tumor. She is having bouts of aphasia and is having trouble remembering things. I'm not sure if her feebleness is from the condition or the medication. She's putting a good face on it all but I know it is worrying her. It is certainly worrying the rest of us. She isn't happy to be away from her house and I can understand it. But she must stay with us for now. She has become my child.
It's been snowing for a while, the cars are covered and most of the ground. The street just looks wet though. Now I can hear thunder. No lightning that I have seen so far. I've taken to my bed with my cold feet. I finished reading Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner and now I don't know what to do with myself. I have many books to choose from but I'm still living with Susan and Oliver. After reading a great book it is difficult to begin another one within minutes. But I have to worry about it since I don't want to be not reading a book, or books, as it usually happens. I need something fairly light but not silly. After Angle of Repose my brain will have to rest.
It's after 3 am and I haven't blinked an eye. I did the same thing last night. I guess I'll sleep one of these days. Susan, Michael, Kristin, Elizabeth & Leah are here tonight. Everybody is asleep but me. My eyes won't cooperate so I can't even read.
The 4th of January! Before I know it, December will be here and I'll be turning 60. Oh, joy! All of our granddaughters will be here on Saturday. It will be fun being with them. I'm still slowly reading Angle of Repose. I love every word. I'll be sad to finish it. I've been listening to news about Ariel Sharon. I wish I was in Israel. Always.
The first Monday of the year found me at Walmart, of all places. But we must have food. The doctor told John Wayne that we only need to eat what it takes to survive and no more. I wonder if that means I don't need chocolate covered cherries!Olivia and John Michael were here earlier. She took a bath before they left. I had pink soap flakes that I sprinkled on her head in the tub. She had the best time.There was an earthquake today, I'm sad I missed it.
The first day of the year! I hope I can have some self discipline in the coming months. I'm reading Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner. This will be my first book to finish in 2006. My reading has suffered lately, I intend to change that. I'm also going to read the Bible through again. I want to shoot more pictures, write more stories. Be quiet, sit still. Listen, talk less. Sleep all night. Walk. Pray.
- Kristin
- Elizabeth
- Olivia
- Leah